In a letter to G. H. Lewes of October 1858 John Blackwood contrasted his own discriminating language of praise with the \u27abandon of expression\u27 indulged in by what he terms \u27the large hearted school of Critics,\u27 and of course one sees his point, as Lewes did with feeling concurrence: \u27largehearted critics - an awful Race’. But I do not see how one can avoid joining the scorned \u27large hearted\u27. I am at a loss to know how to write anything that could be called a \u27review\u27 of so fine a piece of work as this latest volume in the Clarendon Edition of the Novels of George Eliot. Part biography, part literary history, substantially a contribution to publishing history, this edition is multi-facetedly rich. Inevitably much...