Starting with this report, Joel Jorgensen will write the reports for sub-passerines. Hopefully this will help with timeliness, especially in getting reports to the Regional Editor for Audubon Field Notes. It is a long process writing up especially the Spring and Fall reports, given the excellent number received. Highlights in this report are rare loons at Lake McConaughy, three reports of Clark\u27s Grebe, King Rail in Seward Co, Sandhill Cranes in Clay Co, Mountain Plovers in Kimball Co, easterly reports of Black-necked Stilt, first breeding record for Wilson\u27s Phalarope in the Rainwater Basin, Brown Creeper in Sarpy Co, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher in the panhandle and in Harlan Co, Townsend\u27s Solitaire in the panhandle, Wood Thrush in Gag...