1. We’ve discussed Lu Xun quite a lot lately, and more great Lu Xun-related stories keep coming our way. At Inside-Out China, Xujun Eberlein writes about her own memories of reading Lu Xun as a high-school student during the 1970s. Eberlein also comments on Lu Xun’s work as a translator, as well as the fact that “His scathing style was extensively mimicked by the Red Guards for faction fighting during the Cultural Revolution, a consequence he wouldn’t have dreamed of.” A diary kept by Chinese writer Lin Yutang between 1929 and 1932 has just come to light, and provides insight into the antipathy between Lin and Lu Xun. Two China Beatniks in dialogue: Rana Mitter interviews Julia Lovell, translator of a new edition of Lu Xun’s fiction. (Their...