While conducting shorebird surveys in the Rainwater Basin of southcentral Nebraska in spring, 1995, I observed two Snowy Plovers (Charadrius alexandrinus). Both sightings were on 6 May, one at the Kissinger Basin Wildlife Management Area in Clay County, and the other at Ayr Lake in Adams County. When I arrived at Kissinger Basin WMA, the weather was poor with steady rain and strong, northeast winds. At 8:15 a.m. I noticed a pale plover feeding on the far side of the wetland. I noted the black bill and legs, dark auricular patch, and slender appearance, and I identified the bird as a Snowy Plover. It was smaller and slimmer than a nearby Semipalmated Plover. The mantle and upperwings were very pale-brown and contrasted with the white underpa...