The Min-up/min-down Unit Commitment Problem (MUCP), is to find a minimum-cost production plan on a discrete time horizon for a set of units producing electric power. At each time period, the total production has to meet a forecast demand. Each unit must satisfy minimum up and down time constraints. We show that the MUCP is strongly NP-hard, thus highlighting that the dynamic coupling of demands by minimum up and down time constraints represents one major source of difficulty. To cope with this difficulty, we introduce interval up-set inequalities, a new class of valid inequalities for the MUCP polytope, generalizing both min-up and extended cover inequalities from the 0-1 knapsack polytope. Facet defining cases are characterized and a Bran...
In [1 the first MIP exact formulation was provided that describes the convex hull of the solutions s...
Switching machines on and off is an important aspect of unit commitment problems and production plan...
In previous work, the unit commitment problem has been formulated as a non-convex MINLP, which is co...
The Unit Commitment Problem (UCP) is solved at EDF on a daily basis. The combinatorial core structur...
Le Min-up/min-down Unit Commitment Problem (MUCP) consiste à trouver un plan de production de coût ...
International audienceThe discrete unit commitment problem with min‐stop ramping constraints optimiz...
International audienceWe consider integer linear programs whose solutions are binary matrices and wh...
In this paper, we present the state-transition formulation for the unit commitment problem. This for...
© 2018 IEEE. Unit Commitment (UC) in its classical form is a mixed integer non-linear programming (M...
The short-term Unit Commitment (UC) problem in hydro-thermal power generation is a large-scale, Mixe...
The single-unit commitment problem (1UC) is the problem of finding a cost optimal schedule for a sing...
The single-unit commitment problem (1UC) is the problem of finding a cost optimal schedule for a sin...
Unit Commitment (UC) and Optimal Power Flow (OPF) are fundamental problems in short-term electrical ...
International audienceA widespread and successful approach to tackle unit-commitment problems is con...
This paper presents a complete, quadratic programming formulation of the standard thermal unit commi...
In [1 the first MIP exact formulation was provided that describes the convex hull of the solutions s...
Switching machines on and off is an important aspect of unit commitment problems and production plan...
In previous work, the unit commitment problem has been formulated as a non-convex MINLP, which is co...
The Unit Commitment Problem (UCP) is solved at EDF on a daily basis. The combinatorial core structur...
Le Min-up/min-down Unit Commitment Problem (MUCP) consiste à trouver un plan de production de coût ...
International audienceThe discrete unit commitment problem with min‐stop ramping constraints optimiz...
International audienceWe consider integer linear programs whose solutions are binary matrices and wh...
In this paper, we present the state-transition formulation for the unit commitment problem. This for...
© 2018 IEEE. Unit Commitment (UC) in its classical form is a mixed integer non-linear programming (M...
The short-term Unit Commitment (UC) problem in hydro-thermal power generation is a large-scale, Mixe...
The single-unit commitment problem (1UC) is the problem of finding a cost optimal schedule for a sing...
The single-unit commitment problem (1UC) is the problem of finding a cost optimal schedule for a sin...
Unit Commitment (UC) and Optimal Power Flow (OPF) are fundamental problems in short-term electrical ...
International audienceA widespread and successful approach to tackle unit-commitment problems is con...
This paper presents a complete, quadratic programming formulation of the standard thermal unit commi...
In [1 the first MIP exact formulation was provided that describes the convex hull of the solutions s...
Switching machines on and off is an important aspect of unit commitment problems and production plan...
In previous work, the unit commitment problem has been formulated as a non-convex MINLP, which is co...