Feinglosite, a new mineral related to brackebuschite, from Tsumeb, Namibia

  • A.M. Clark
  • A.J. Criddle
  • A.C. Roberts
  • M. Bonardi
  • E.A. Moffatt
Publication date
January 1997
Mineralogical Society


Feinglosite, the zinc analog of arsenbrackebuschite, was found lining a cavity in a sample of massive chalcocite from Tsumeb, Namibia. In this cavity it is assocd. with wulfenite, anglesite and goethite. The mean of seven electron-microprobe analyses (wt.%) is: PbO 61.4, ZnO 7.3, FeO 1.8, As2O5 22.1, SO3, 5.3, H2O (by difference) [2.1], total = [100.00]%, leading to the ideal formula: Pb2(Zn,Fe)[(As,S)O4]2\ub7H2O. Feinglosite is monoclinic, space group P21 or P21/m, with unit-cell parameters a=8.973(6), b=5.955(3), c=7.766(6) \uc5, \u3b2=112.20(6)\ub0, with Z = 2. The strongest five reflections of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are [d in \uc5 (I) (hkl)]: 4.85 (50) (110), 3.246 (100) (112), 2.988 (60) (301), 2.769 (60) (300/211), 2...

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