Three novel PROC gene lesions causing protein C deficiency

  • P.J. Hallam
  • P. Mannucci
  • A. Tripodi
  • D. Bevan
  • B. Laursen
  • L. Tengborn
  • A. Wacey
  • D.N. Cooper
Publication date
January 1998


Missense mutations, three of them novel (Asn210\u2192Val, Asn248\u2192Ile, Ala355\u2192Val), were found in the protein C (PROC) genes of 7 patients with inherited protein C deficiency associated with venous thrombosis. Comparison with the phenotypic effects of mutations in the analogous residues of factor IX causing haemophilia B and the use of molecular modelling has provided explanations as to how these lesions might alter either the structure, function or secretion of the protein C molecules encoded

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