A kísérletes és az utóbbi 5 évben végzett humán klinikai vizsgálatok szerint a csontvelői eredetű sejtek részt vesznek a miokardiális infarktus gyógyulási folyamatában. Számos kisebb klinikai vizsgálatban mutattak ki enyhe vagy mérsékelt fokú kedvező hatást a miokardiális infarktus után intracoronariásan beadott csontvelői eredetű őssejtekkel. Mivel a legtöbb eddigi vizsgálatban mononukleáris frakciót használtak, a sejtpopuláció sokfélesége miatt nem volt ismert, hogy melyik a hatásos szubpopuláció. 8 miokardiális infarktust szenvedett, csökkent bal kamra funkciójú betegben vizsgáltuk az akut coronaria esemény után 12±1 nappal intracoronariásan végzett CD34+ saját csontvelői őssejt beültetés biztonságosságát és hatékonyságát. 2D-echocardio...
The intracoronary administration of autologous bone marrow cells (BMCs) has been shown to improve th...
ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to compare the ability of human CD34+hematopoietic stem cell...
Background: Heart failure is a significant burden to health care systems in the world. One of its ma...
Abstract Stem cell therapy has several mechanisms for repairing damaged myocardium and improving fu...
Cardiac performance after myocardial infarction (MI) is compromised by ven-tricular remodelling, whi...
Knochenmarksstammzellen werden als mögliche Zellquelle zur Verbesserung kardialer Funktion nach Myok...
Ph.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2011.Includes bibliographical references.Over the past decade th...
Background—Intracoronary transfer of autologous bone marrow cells (BMCs) promotes recovery of left v...
AbstractBackgroundClinical trials report improvements in function and perfusion with direct injectio...
Abstract: The results of numerous experimental and clinical studies evaluating transplantation of bo...
Recent data suggest that the administration of bone marrow-derived stem cells (BMSC) might improve m...
ObjectivesStem cell therapy may be useful in chronic myocardial infarction (MI); this is conceivable...
Even after optimal reperfusion strategies implementing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with...
The intracoronary administration of autologous bone marrow cells (BMCs) has been shown to improve th...
ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to compare the ability of human CD34+hematopoietic stem cell...
Background: Heart failure is a significant burden to health care systems in the world. One of its ma...
Abstract Stem cell therapy has several mechanisms for repairing damaged myocardium and improving fu...
Cardiac performance after myocardial infarction (MI) is compromised by ven-tricular remodelling, whi...
Knochenmarksstammzellen werden als mögliche Zellquelle zur Verbesserung kardialer Funktion nach Myok...
Ph.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2011.Includes bibliographical references.Over the past decade th...
Background—Intracoronary transfer of autologous bone marrow cells (BMCs) promotes recovery of left v...
AbstractBackgroundClinical trials report improvements in function and perfusion with direct injectio...
Abstract: The results of numerous experimental and clinical studies evaluating transplantation of bo...
Recent data suggest that the administration of bone marrow-derived stem cells (BMSC) might improve m...
ObjectivesStem cell therapy may be useful in chronic myocardial infarction (MI); this is conceivable...
Even after optimal reperfusion strategies implementing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with...
The intracoronary administration of autologous bone marrow cells (BMCs) has been shown to improve th...
ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to compare the ability of human CD34+hematopoietic stem cell...
Background: Heart failure is a significant burden to health care systems in the world. One of its ma...