Introduction: The aim of this study is to show the importance of hemodialysis as an active method in treatment of acute acetic acid poisonings. Its main role is to support the renal function during the state of the intoxication when patients develop acute renal failure. Methods: We analyzed data from a 10-year period, a total of 71 patients who ingested acetic acid, either intentionally or accidentally. Patients with a need of hemodialysis (HD) treatment underwent 3- to 4-hour HD sessions every day or every second day, according to clinical assessment, as needed, until recovery of kidney function. Results: In the period between 2006 and 2015 at the university clinic for toxicology and urgent internal medicine, we hospitalized 6,106 p...
BACKGROUND : Acute renal failure is a common problem in critically ill patients and usually associa...
Audience: This classic team based learning (cTBL) didactic is aimed for emergency medicine resident...
Intoxications with alcoholic surrogates are still frequent in Lithuania. The aim of this study was t...
The aim of this study is to show the importance of hemodialysis as an active method in treatment of ...
Acetic acid is a widely used organic acid with corrosive properties that depend on its concentration...
AbstractInjudicious use of acetic acid can result in acute or chronic poisoning. Chronic ingestion o...
Background: The herbicide 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) can cause moderate to lethal pois...
Acetic acid is a widely used organic acid with corrosive properties that depend on its concentration...
Background: Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is an abrupt decrease in kidney function, leading to the reten...
Homoeopathic treatment is very effective in renal failure cases. The foremost aim of my study is to ...
Relevance. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. However, the e...
Background: Hemodialysis therapy has been used in the treatment of acute alcohol intoxication for ma...
Context: Acetylcysteine is an effective treatment for acetaminophen poisoning. The preparation and d...
Intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) and continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) are used as Acute ...
Introduction: Poisoning is a critical worldwide problem, having been reported in countries across th...
BACKGROUND : Acute renal failure is a common problem in critically ill patients and usually associa...
Audience: This classic team based learning (cTBL) didactic is aimed for emergency medicine resident...
Intoxications with alcoholic surrogates are still frequent in Lithuania. The aim of this study was t...
The aim of this study is to show the importance of hemodialysis as an active method in treatment of ...
Acetic acid is a widely used organic acid with corrosive properties that depend on its concentration...
AbstractInjudicious use of acetic acid can result in acute or chronic poisoning. Chronic ingestion o...
Background: The herbicide 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) can cause moderate to lethal pois...
Acetic acid is a widely used organic acid with corrosive properties that depend on its concentration...
Background: Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is an abrupt decrease in kidney function, leading to the reten...
Homoeopathic treatment is very effective in renal failure cases. The foremost aim of my study is to ...
Relevance. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. However, the e...
Background: Hemodialysis therapy has been used in the treatment of acute alcohol intoxication for ma...
Context: Acetylcysteine is an effective treatment for acetaminophen poisoning. The preparation and d...
Intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) and continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) are used as Acute ...
Introduction: Poisoning is a critical worldwide problem, having been reported in countries across th...
BACKGROUND : Acute renal failure is a common problem in critically ill patients and usually associa...
Audience: This classic team based learning (cTBL) didactic is aimed for emergency medicine resident...
Intoxications with alcoholic surrogates are still frequent in Lithuania. The aim of this study was t...