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Theoretical idealizations of language as a homogeneous object have long been challenged by attestati...
Since Greenberg the recognition of linguistic universals has been the backbone of language typology....
By myths I mean beliefs about language(s) that are so firmly rooted and so frequently voiced that th...
In this thesis, I discuss, from a metatheoretical perspective, how variationist sociolinguistics se...
Many theories hold that language change, at least on a local level, is driven by a need for improvem...
Sustained academic interest in contact-induced language change goes back at least to the late ninete...
All physical aspects of the universe and all aspects of human life aresubject to change, and languag...
Theoretical idealizations of language as a homogeneous object have long been challenged by attestati...
Since Greenberg the recognition of linguistic universals has been the backbone of language typology....
By myths I mean beliefs about language(s) that are so firmly rooted and so frequently voiced that th...
In this thesis, I discuss, from a metatheoretical perspective, how variationist sociolinguistics se...
Many theories hold that language change, at least on a local level, is driven by a need for improvem...
Sustained academic interest in contact-induced language change goes back at least to the late ninete...
All physical aspects of the universe and all aspects of human life aresubject to change, and languag...
Theoretical idealizations of language as a homogeneous object have long been challenged by attestati...
Since Greenberg the recognition of linguistic universals has been the backbone of language typology....
By myths I mean beliefs about language(s) that are so firmly rooted and so frequently voiced that th...