The ability to measure the quantum state of light is an important ingredient in the development of photonic quantum technologies such as optical quantum computing or secure quantum communication. A quantum state comprises all information one can have about a quantum system. Since quantum physics is a statistical theory, a quantum state cannot be captured with a single measurement. Therefore, usually, measurements on an ensemble of identically prepared copies of the quantum system under study must be performed for quantum state reconstruction. Optical homodyne tomography (OHT) is a well established technique frequently used to reconstruct the quantum state of a light field. It requires a reference beam, which is called the local oscillator (...
In a recent research (Olivares et al., 2019 [18]) we have demonstrated that a homodyne-like scheme, ...
The technologies of quantum information and quantum control are rapidly improving, but full exploita...
We present the results of an operational use of experimentally measured optical tomograms to determi...
This thesis is concerned with the generation of non-classical quantum states of light, the photon-le...
Optical homodyne tomography consists in reconstructing the quantum state of an optical field from re...
We suggest and demonstrate a tomographic method to characterise homodyne detectors at the quantum le...
The methods of reconstruction of the wave function of a pure state of a quantum system by quadrature...
This review covers the latest developments in continuous-variable quantum-state tomography of optica...
A homodyne-like detection scheme based on photon-number-resolving and low-intensity a local oscillat...
Thesis: S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Physics, 2014.Cataloged from PDF ...
Homodyne detection is the most effective detection scheme employed in quantum optics to characterize...
Here we report on the design, construction and characterization of a time domain Balanced Homodyne D...
We address state reconstruction by photon-number-resolving detectors, and demonstrate that they may ...
In this thesis, we demonstrate an array of photodetection theory and techniques bridging the tradit...
The double-homodyne and the heterodyne detection schemes for phase shifts between two synchronous mo...
In a recent research (Olivares et al., 2019 [18]) we have demonstrated that a homodyne-like scheme, ...
The technologies of quantum information and quantum control are rapidly improving, but full exploita...
We present the results of an operational use of experimentally measured optical tomograms to determi...
This thesis is concerned with the generation of non-classical quantum states of light, the photon-le...
Optical homodyne tomography consists in reconstructing the quantum state of an optical field from re...
We suggest and demonstrate a tomographic method to characterise homodyne detectors at the quantum le...
The methods of reconstruction of the wave function of a pure state of a quantum system by quadrature...
This review covers the latest developments in continuous-variable quantum-state tomography of optica...
A homodyne-like detection scheme based on photon-number-resolving and low-intensity a local oscillat...
Thesis: S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Physics, 2014.Cataloged from PDF ...
Homodyne detection is the most effective detection scheme employed in quantum optics to characterize...
Here we report on the design, construction and characterization of a time domain Balanced Homodyne D...
We address state reconstruction by photon-number-resolving detectors, and demonstrate that they may ...
In this thesis, we demonstrate an array of photodetection theory and techniques bridging the tradit...
The double-homodyne and the heterodyne detection schemes for phase shifts between two synchronous mo...
In a recent research (Olivares et al., 2019 [18]) we have demonstrated that a homodyne-like scheme, ...
The technologies of quantum information and quantum control are rapidly improving, but full exploita...
We present the results of an operational use of experimentally measured optical tomograms to determi...