Coronavirus receptor switch explained from the stereochemistry of protein-carbohydrate interactions and a single mutation

  • Bakkers, Mark J G
  • Zeng, Qinghong
  • Feitsma, Louris J
  • Hulswit, Ruben J G
  • Li, Zeshi
  • Westerbeke, Aniek
  • van Kuppeveld, Frank J M
  • Boons, Geert-Jan
  • Langereis, Martijn A
  • Huizinga, Eric G
  • de Groot, Raoul J
Publication date
May 2016


Hemagglutinin-esterases (HEs) are bimodular envelope proteins of orthomyxoviruses, toroviruses, and coronaviruses with a carbohydrate-binding "lectin" domain appended to a receptor-destroying sialate-O-acetylesterase ("esterase"). In concert, these domains facilitate dynamic virion attachment to cell-surface sialoglycans. Most HEs (type I) target 9-O-acetylated sialic acids (9-O-Ac-Sias), but one group of coronaviruses switched to using 4-O-Ac-Sias instead (type II). This specificity shift required quasisynchronous adaptations in the Sia-binding sites of both lectin and esterase domains. Previously, a partially disordered crystal structure of a type II HE revealed how the shift in lectin ligand specificity was achieved. How the switch in es...

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