This family is recognized in Peru with 18 genera and more than 150 species (Tryon & Stolze, 1989b; Smith et al., 2005). Although the Pteridaceae is the most species rich family in the Peruvian flora, only eight species in four genera are recognized as endemics. All endemic species are terrestrial plants occupying open areas in the Desert Shrubland and Mesoandean regions, between 500 and 3500 m elevation. Only one taxon is found in a protected area.Esta familia es reconocida en el Perú con 18 géneros y más de 150 especies (Tryon & Stolze, 1989b; Smith et al., 2005). Si bien la familia Pteridaceae es la más rica en especies de la flora pteridofítica peruana; solamente ocho especies en cuatro géneros se reconocen como endémicas. Todos los ende...