The Rhamnaceae are represented in Peru by eleven genera and 27 species (Brako & Zarucchi, 1993; Ulloa Ulloa et al., 2004), between shrubs, trees and lianas. One genus, Johnstonia, is endemic to Peru.Here we recognize two endemic taxa in the same number of genera. These endemic species come from Dry Forests and Tropical Costal Desert regions, from 150 to 2200 m elevation. None of these endemic species have been recorded within Peru's protected areas system.La familia Rhamnaceae es reconocida en el Perú por presentar once géneros y 27 especies (Brako & Zarucchi, 1993; Ulloa Ulloa et al., 2004), entre arbustos, árboles y lianas. Un género, Johnstonia, es endémico del Perú. En este trabajo reconocemos dos especies endémicas en dos géneros. Esta...