Proposed in 1859 by Karl Marx in onder to characterize India, the concept of an Asiatic mode of production was widened to explain the whole Asia stagnation in the 19th century. Severely criticized for political reasons during the 20th century, its economic relevance was rarely put into question. Indeed, in China's case, economic growth is frequently impeded by local governments actions, what could, at least in part, rehabilitate Marx's analysis.Avancé en 1859 par Karl Marx pour caractériser l'Inde, le concept de mode de production asiatique fut élargi pour expliquer la stagnation de toute l'Asie au XIXe siècle. Critiqué sévèrement au XXe siècle pour des raisons politiques, sa pertinence économique fut peu questionnée. Or, dans le cas de la ...