Waterfowl Hunting Record 1. If you DID NOT HUNT ducks, geese, or brant this season, please check the box to the right and mail this form. 2. Please record your personal hunting activity for each day you hunted ducks, geese, or brant in the State specified in the attached letter. Record the number of birds, you personally bagged. DO NOT include birds shot by the other people. Please include ALL of your hunts for the birds listed; if you did not bag any birds during a hunt, record zero (0) for the birds you hunted that day. 3. IF YOU HUNTED DUCKS, GEESE, OR BRANT BUT DO NOT HAVE DETAILED RECORDS, check the box to the right and go to question number 6 to record your Season Totals. 4. Please include additional comments on a SEPARATE SHEET of pa...