1980 FALL FIELD DAY Sixty people participated in at least part of the 1980 Fall\u27 Field Day, which was held from noon 4 October to noon 5 October at the 4-H Camp, Nebraska National Forest, Halsey, The weather was on the cool side, but nice - maybe too nice, for many of the warblers apparently migrated during the night. Seventy-one species were reported from the Forest or immediately adjacent to it: Mallard, Blue-winged Teal, Wood Duck, Turkey Vulture; Sharp-shinned, Cooper\u27s, Red-tailed, and Swainsons\u27s Hawks; Golden Eagle (an immature, seen over the Camp after most people had left); Marsh Hawk, Osprey, Merlin, American Kestrel, Sharp-tailed Grouse, Ring-necked Pheasant, Killdeer, Common Snipe, Ring-billed Gull, Mourning Dove, Black...