Content: “Everything is Connected to Everything Else.” By Dave Gosselin NESEN Workshops: Yes or No - Please Reply By March 8, 2002 Update Your NESEN Membership! Nebraska Completes National Geologic Map Data Base by Duane Mohlman and Ed Pfeifer, CSD New NESEN Website On-Line by Mark Mesarch, NESEN Asteroids, Craters and Candy by Saundra Wever Ferichs, Nebraska State Museum Awesome Aquifer Club, a Groundwater Education Tool by Carla Mansfield, Groundwater Foundation Groundwater University: Serious Science, Serious Fun! by Carla Mansfield, Groundwater Foundation Meteorite Crater Not Supported by the Facts by Charles Flowerday, CSD SNRS Extension Forestry Courses Offered by UNL by Scott Josiah, School of Natural Resource Sciences Ed...