1. White-faced whistling duck, adult 2. Magpie goose, pair with male in foreground 3. Spotted whistling duck, female with brood 4. Plumed whistling duck, pair 5. Lesser whistling duck, pair 6. Black-bellied whistling duck, pair dabbling 7. African white-backed duck, adult male 8. Mute swan, male wing-flapping 9. Black swan, female and brood 10. Black-necked swan, pair carrying brood 11. Trumpeter swan, adult and cygnet 12. Whooper swan, pair and four juveniles 13. Bewick swan, adult and brood 14. Coscoroba swan, adult 15. Lesser white-fronted goose, pair 16. Eastern graylag goose, female and brood 17. Lesser snow goose, female and gosling 18. Barnacle goose, female and brood...