THE PROBE National Animal Damage Control Association November, 1981 It is now time to pay your dues. Bats roosting in an attic can provide a free and easy way to keep a house warm in winter. THE NO ANTIDOTE 1080 ORCHARD MOUSE CONTROL The highly publicized Adopt-a-Horse program of the FRIENDS UF ANIMALS that was foisted on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is undergoing reevaluation. NADCA ANNUAL MEETING ASTM SYMPOSIUM ANNOUNCEMENT WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT ON PUBLIC LANDS Cats won\u27t chase birds at the bird feeder if you feed the birds lemon-scented bird seed. The killing of the three-year old by a coyote in Glendale, CA recently has been a boon to the press. County Takes Action to Ban Feeding of Coyotes LOCAL THREATS TO HUNTING HEALTH...