Väitekirja eesmärgiks on kaardistada Põhjala ja Baltikumi väikerahvuste (eesti, leedu, läti, soome, norra, island) ajalookäsitluste narratiive (nt rahvuse ajaloo kuldne aeg või taassünd) ja nende geneesi ning positsioneerida kirjeldatud pildil eesti ajalookäsitlused. Vaatluse all on ajalooteemalised kooliõpikud ja empiiriline ajalookirjutus ajavahemikul 19. sajandi algusest kuni Teise maailmasõjani. Rahvusliku ajaloomõtte geneesi osas sarnanesid eesti käsitlused teistele vaadeldavatele rahvustele. Vaadeldava perioodi jooksul muutusid ajalookäsitlused üha enam rahvuslikult narrativiseerituks. Käsitluse üldilme muutus ilmalikumaks ja samas ka militaarsemaks. 19. sajandil väljendus käsitlustes rahvuste kultuurilise ja 20. sajandil poliitilise ...
World War I led to the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires, generating widespread p...
Detta är en recension av Linda Kaljundis och Tiina-Mall Kreems nya monografi ”History in Images - Im...
The study is an examination of how the distant national past has been conceived and constructed for ...
In 2018, several European nations celebrated their centennial anniversaries of independence. Two of ...
Estonia is the only country where Estonian is the official language and it is a country rich in folk...
This paper aims at giving an overview on Estonian historiography on contemporary history since the r...
The theme of this article is how Estonians have described political changes in their autobiographica...
In this dissertation, I study national campaigns aimed at constructing Estonian national identity ...
The idea of Estonia’s cultural and national self-sufficiency emerged in the nineteenth century. The ...
This thesis examines how Baltic German émigrés living in the German Empire argued for the inclusion ...
I min pro gradu-avhandling presenterar och diskuterar jag exempel på samtida narrativa konstruktione...
ravel accounts were a popular kind of literature among European readers. They had an entertaining, e...
Eastern Europe provides an interesting case study for the effects of life under occupation and how p...
Digiteeritud Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi rahastusel, projekti "Eesti teadus- ja õppekirjandus" (20...
A War Reprocessed Through Writing. A Study on the Narrative Processing of Experience in First-person...
World War I led to the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires, generating widespread p...
Detta är en recension av Linda Kaljundis och Tiina-Mall Kreems nya monografi ”History in Images - Im...
The study is an examination of how the distant national past has been conceived and constructed for ...
In 2018, several European nations celebrated their centennial anniversaries of independence. Two of ...
Estonia is the only country where Estonian is the official language and it is a country rich in folk...
This paper aims at giving an overview on Estonian historiography on contemporary history since the r...
The theme of this article is how Estonians have described political changes in their autobiographica...
In this dissertation, I study national campaigns aimed at constructing Estonian national identity ...
The idea of Estonia’s cultural and national self-sufficiency emerged in the nineteenth century. The ...
This thesis examines how Baltic German émigrés living in the German Empire argued for the inclusion ...
I min pro gradu-avhandling presenterar och diskuterar jag exempel på samtida narrativa konstruktione...
ravel accounts were a popular kind of literature among European readers. They had an entertaining, e...
Eastern Europe provides an interesting case study for the effects of life under occupation and how p...
Digiteeritud Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi rahastusel, projekti "Eesti teadus- ja õppekirjandus" (20...
A War Reprocessed Through Writing. A Study on the Narrative Processing of Experience in First-person...
World War I led to the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires, generating widespread p...
Detta är en recension av Linda Kaljundis och Tiina-Mall Kreems nya monografi ”History in Images - Im...
The study is an examination of how the distant national past has been conceived and constructed for ...