This chap ter re ports on 29 ra dio car bon dates from Mid dle and Up per Paleolithic lay ers at Klissoura 1 Cave. All but two of the dates were ob tained from ma te rial iden ti fied as wood char coal. Both stan dard ABA and more strin gent ABOX pre-treatment pro to cols were used for charcoal sam ples. The ra dio car bon dates from the Aurig na cian of lay ers IIIe–g and IV show gen eral strati graphic con sis tency, and fit with pub lished ages from other Aurig na cian as sem blages in the Bal - kans. Age es ti mates for layer V, as so ci ated with the early Up per Paleolithic Uluzzian as sem blage, are am big u ous. Sev eral sam ples de rived from this layer pro vide an oma lously re cent ages. One ra dio car bon de ter mi na tion,...