The family of $A^{(1)}_2$ models on the square lattice includes a dilute loop model, a $15$-vertex model and, at roots of unity, a family of RSOS models. The fused transfer matrices of the general loop and vertex models are shown to satisfy $sl(3)$-type fusion hierarchies. We use these to derive explicit $T$- and $Y$-systems of functional equations. At roots of unity, we further derive closure identities for the functional relations and show that the universal $Y$-system closes finitely. The $A^{(1)}_2$ RSOS models are shown to satisfy the same functional and closure identities but with finite truncation
We show how the two-matrix model and Today lattice hierarchy presented in a previous paper can be so...
The N-state chiral Potts model in lattice statistical mechanics can be obtained as a "descendant" of...
A new class of $A^{(1)}_n$ integrable lattice models is presented. These are interaction-round-a-fac...
The family of $A^{(1)}_2$ models on the square lattice includes a dilute loop model, a $15$-vertex m...
The family of A models on the square lattice includes a dilute loop model, a 15-vertex model and, at...
The fusion hierarchy, $T$-system and $Y$-system of functional equations are the key to integrability...
The fusion hierarchy, T-system and Y-system of functional equations are the key to exact solvability...
A Temperley-Lieb (TL) loop model is a Yang-Baxter integrable lattice model with nonlocal degrees of ...
The mutually commuting 1 x n fused single and double-row transfer matrices of the critical six-verte...
Functional equations, in the form of fusion hierarchies, are studied for the transfer matrices of th...
Determinantal functional equations satisfled by the row transfer matrix eigenvalues of critical A{D{...
We derive the fusion hierarchy of functional equations for critical A-D-E lattice models related to ...
We present a family of multivariable solvable vertex models associated with representations of the T...
We use boundary weights and re°ection equations to obtain families of commuting double-row transfer ...
We consider the Y -systems satisfied by the A(1)1, A(1)2, A(2)2 vertex and loop models at roots of u...
We show how the two-matrix model and Today lattice hierarchy presented in a previous paper can be so...
The N-state chiral Potts model in lattice statistical mechanics can be obtained as a "descendant" of...
A new class of $A^{(1)}_n$ integrable lattice models is presented. These are interaction-round-a-fac...
The family of $A^{(1)}_2$ models on the square lattice includes a dilute loop model, a $15$-vertex m...
The family of A models on the square lattice includes a dilute loop model, a 15-vertex model and, at...
The fusion hierarchy, $T$-system and $Y$-system of functional equations are the key to integrability...
The fusion hierarchy, T-system and Y-system of functional equations are the key to exact solvability...
A Temperley-Lieb (TL) loop model is a Yang-Baxter integrable lattice model with nonlocal degrees of ...
The mutually commuting 1 x n fused single and double-row transfer matrices of the critical six-verte...
Functional equations, in the form of fusion hierarchies, are studied for the transfer matrices of th...
Determinantal functional equations satisfled by the row transfer matrix eigenvalues of critical A{D{...
We derive the fusion hierarchy of functional equations for critical A-D-E lattice models related to ...
We present a family of multivariable solvable vertex models associated with representations of the T...
We use boundary weights and re°ection equations to obtain families of commuting double-row transfer ...
We consider the Y -systems satisfied by the A(1)1, A(1)2, A(2)2 vertex and loop models at roots of u...
We show how the two-matrix model and Today lattice hierarchy presented in a previous paper can be so...
The N-state chiral Potts model in lattice statistical mechanics can be obtained as a "descendant" of...
A new class of $A^{(1)}_n$ integrable lattice models is presented. These are interaction-round-a-fac...