During the years 1893-1896 the Baltimore City Topographical Survey published 39 separate topographic maps covering all areas within the boundaries of Baltimore City. Each map sheet covers one quadrant of a pre-defined grid system. The scale of each map sheet is 1:2,400 (1 inch = 200 feet) and the contour interval is five feet. The name(s) of the responsible cartographer(s) appear on each sheet along with the month and year that their work was completed. Cartographers include Thos. M. Ward, Malcolm A. Cudlipp, W.A. Wansleben, Frank K. Duncan, R.A. MacGregor and Wm. Bauman Jr. In 1897 all 39 of the individually map sheets published from 1893 –1896 were bound together to form a single volume titled “Atlas of the City of Baltimore, MD”. Images...