3D3C velocimetry measurements of an electrothermal microvortex using wavefront deformation PTV and a single camera

  • Kumar, Aloke
  • Cierpka, Christian
  • Williams, Stuart J.
  • Kaehler, Christian
  • Wereley, Steven
Publication date
February 2011
Springer Science and Business Media LLC


We study the three-dimensional fluid transport in an electrothermal microvortex (EMV), by using wavefront deformation particle-tracking velocimetry (PTV) developed at Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen. By using a cylindrical lens in conjunction with a microscope objective lens, systematic wavefront deformations in the particle images are created. The particles are observed by a single camera and appear as ellipses. The elliptical nature of the particle images encodes out-of-plane information regarding the particle\u27s position. This new technique is ideally suited for measuring transport in the EMV and provides full three-dimensional, time-resolved particle trajectories with Lagrangian velocity and acceleration. Measurements reveal the to...

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