The original German language text of the memoir, originally written in November 1842 (65 pages) is followed by an English translation on pages 59-107, followed by a biographical sketch of Lazarus Morgenthau, both by Louise Heidelberg, New York, April 1933.Lazarus Morgenthau was born in Kleinwallstadt, Bavaria in 1815. His father, Moses, was born in Gleusdorf ("Kleisdorf") in 1773. Lazarus became a tailor and married Babette Guggenheim (born 1826) of Hürben. Later he developed a successful business in cravats which he sold at fairs. A younger brother, Mengo, went to San Francisco in 1850 and sent back funds for the establishment of a cigar manufacturing business for export to the United States. Lazarus moved to Ludwigshafen and eventually to...