We propose a model with segmented markets that delivers endogenous variations in term spreads driven by banks’ portfolio decisions while facing maturity risk. Future profitability influences the term premium banks require to carry this risk. When expected profitability is relatively high (low) spreads are low (high). Spread fluctuations feed back into the macroeconomy through investment decisions. Econometric evidence corroborates this link between expected financial profitability and yield spreads. Finally, we analyse unconventional monetary policy by allowing banks to sell assets to the central bank. These interventions exploit a new channel of policy transmission through banks’ portfolio choice affecting the yield curve
This thesis contributes to the literature that analyses the term structure of interest rates from a ...
We develop a dynamic asset pricing model in which monetary policy affects the risk premium component...
Among a myriad of existing financial assets, a zero-coupon bond stands out for its simplicity. This ...
We propose a model that delivers endogenous variations in term spreads driven primarily by banks' po...
In this paper, we analyze the effect of monetary policy on yield spreads between corporate bonds wit...
The literature gives evidence that term spreads help predict output growth, inflation, and interest ...
An important research area of the corporate yield spread literature seeks to measure the proportion ...
This paper revisits the role of the yield spread to forecast recessions in the Euro Area. We show th...
This paper studies the equilibrium term structure of nominal and real interest rates and time-varyin...
We assess the effects of monetary policy on bank risk to verify the existence of a risk-taking chann...
This paper brings together two strands of the empirical macro literature:the reduced-form evidence t...
In this paper, we analyze the effect of monetary policy on yield spreads between corporate bonds wit...
The potency of the bank lending channel of monetary policy may be limited if banks rebalance their p...
We analyse the impact of standard and non-standard monetary policy measures on bank profitability. F...
One of the most robust stylized facts in macroeconomics is the forecasting power of the term spread ...
This thesis contributes to the literature that analyses the term structure of interest rates from a ...
We develop a dynamic asset pricing model in which monetary policy affects the risk premium component...
Among a myriad of existing financial assets, a zero-coupon bond stands out for its simplicity. This ...
We propose a model that delivers endogenous variations in term spreads driven primarily by banks' po...
In this paper, we analyze the effect of monetary policy on yield spreads between corporate bonds wit...
The literature gives evidence that term spreads help predict output growth, inflation, and interest ...
An important research area of the corporate yield spread literature seeks to measure the proportion ...
This paper revisits the role of the yield spread to forecast recessions in the Euro Area. We show th...
This paper studies the equilibrium term structure of nominal and real interest rates and time-varyin...
We assess the effects of monetary policy on bank risk to verify the existence of a risk-taking chann...
This paper brings together two strands of the empirical macro literature:the reduced-form evidence t...
In this paper, we analyze the effect of monetary policy on yield spreads between corporate bonds wit...
The potency of the bank lending channel of monetary policy may be limited if banks rebalance their p...
We analyse the impact of standard and non-standard monetary policy measures on bank profitability. F...
One of the most robust stylized facts in macroeconomics is the forecasting power of the term spread ...
This thesis contributes to the literature that analyses the term structure of interest rates from a ...
We develop a dynamic asset pricing model in which monetary policy affects the risk premium component...
Among a myriad of existing financial assets, a zero-coupon bond stands out for its simplicity. This ...