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Abstract|Music is one of the most sophisticated as well as one of the most popular arts. Everyone wa...
Computer music is that in which computers mediate some or all part(s) of the creative process. Compu...
This paper presents the final outcomes of the Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded project Ta...
Much of what we might call "high-art music" occupies the difficult end of listening for contemporary...
Creating and performing electroacoustic music utilising interactive systems is now a well-establishe...
This study seeks to understand how new and accessible technology can be used and developed to includ...
This Engineering Brief charts the story of user-interactivity with recorded music. Audio technologie...
Music making and technological development has always been connected. The digital revolution has mad...
This project presents a multimedia performance and a written exegesis. It will focus on the way crea...
Digital musical experiences are commonplace, everyday occurrences for many of us. Digital technologi...
The lack of authorial notations and published scores in the field of electroacoustic music poses a c...
Computer software for music has made a significant impact by affecting the perspective of music maki...
The use of technology in music and education can no longer be described as a recent development. Mus...
Computer music research realizes a vision of performance by means of computational expression, linki...
In this paper, I review recent interactive music and dance collaborations and discuss my composition...
Abstract|Music is one of the most sophisticated as well as one of the most popular arts. Everyone wa...
Computer music is that in which computers mediate some or all part(s) of the creative process. Compu...
This paper presents the final outcomes of the Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded project Ta...
Much of what we might call "high-art music" occupies the difficult end of listening for contemporary...
Creating and performing electroacoustic music utilising interactive systems is now a well-establishe...
This study seeks to understand how new and accessible technology can be used and developed to includ...
This Engineering Brief charts the story of user-interactivity with recorded music. Audio technologie...
Music making and technological development has always been connected. The digital revolution has mad...
This project presents a multimedia performance and a written exegesis. It will focus on the way crea...
Digital musical experiences are commonplace, everyday occurrences for many of us. Digital technologi...
The lack of authorial notations and published scores in the field of electroacoustic music poses a c...
Computer software for music has made a significant impact by affecting the perspective of music maki...
The use of technology in music and education can no longer be described as a recent development. Mus...
Computer music research realizes a vision of performance by means of computational expression, linki...
In this paper, I review recent interactive music and dance collaborations and discuss my composition...
Abstract|Music is one of the most sophisticated as well as one of the most popular arts. Everyone wa...
Computer music is that in which computers mediate some or all part(s) of the creative process. Compu...
This paper presents the final outcomes of the Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded project Ta...