Contiene: Jan Pilditch, ed. The Critical Response to Katherine Mansfield. Critical Responses in Arts and Letters. 21. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996 / reviewed by Ana Belén López Pérez; Edith Wharton. Cartas a Morton Fullerton (1907-1931), (Barcelona, Grijalbo Mondadori, 1995). Ed. Marina Premoli. Translation: Esther Gómez / reviewed by Teresa Gómez Reus; Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth. The English Novel in History: 1840-1895. London and New York: Routledge, 1997 / reviewed by Ángel Pérez Vázquez; Román Álvarez & M. Carmen África Vidal, eds. Translation Power Subversion. Topics in Translation Series, Clevedon, Philadelphia, Adelaide: Multilingual Matters, 1996, vi + 157 pp. / reviewed by Víctor Manuel Pina Medina; Michael D. Bristol. Big...