Objective analysis of simulated Equatorial Atlantic ocean data on seasonal time scales

  • McPhaden, M.J.
  • Reverdin, G.
  • Merle, Jacques
  • Penhoat, Yves du
  • Kartavseff, A.
Publication date
January 1984


In this study we objectively analyze simulated Equatorial Atlantic ocean data on seasonal time scales using a technique based on optimal interpolation. The purpose is twofold : (1) to estimate the accuracy of the FOCAL/SEQUAL (Programme Français Océan-Climat en Atlantique Equatorial/Seasonal Equatorial Atlantic Response Program) array for mapping large-scale seasonal variations in the depth of the 20° isotherm, and (2) to examine the potential of 20 FOCAL drifting buoys drogued with thermistor chains for enhancing that mapping accuracy. This latter point leads to the development of heuristic model for drifter motion in order to identify the most favorable time and location for buoy deployments. Results are discussed for a number of assumpti...

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