Táto bakalárská práca sa zaoberá popisom, princípmi, parametrami a podmienkami doležitými pre kritické farebné vyhodnocovanie pomocou digitálneho náhĺadu ( soft proofing).This work deals with the desciption, principles, parameters and conditions relevant for critical color assessment using soft proofing.Katedra polygrafie a fotofyzikydoc. Ing. Petr Němec, Ph.D. - Příliš mnoho internetových zdrojů. ing. Jana Vališ, Ph.D. - Praktické vyhodnocení využití náhledů. ing. Tomáš Syrový, Ph.D. - Jaké technologie pro náhledy můžete doporučit. doc. Ing. Jan Panák, CSc. - Kdy se v polygrafii používá digitální náhled? Jaký je stav a zkušenosti digitálních náhledů v českých tiskárnách
Bakalářská práce zkoumá použití barev ve filmovém průmyslu a možnosti barevných úprav v postprodukci...
V diplomskem delu raziskujemo barvno vtzrajnost za digitalne slike. V uvodu predstavimo problem osv...
Práca stručne pojednáva o problematike farebného vnemu a javoch s ním spojených. Ďalej popisuje fare...
The color proof has become one of the most important tools for quality control in the printing indus...
The first part of this study is devoted to assessing the suitability of soft proofs as a surrogate f...
The perceptibility and acceptability of colour differences in soft proofing were evaluated in psycho...
Soft proofing is a solution for print buyers and printers who want to decrease production cost and c...
The purpose of this article was to assess the suitability of softproofs as a surrogate for the final...
Abstract: Having a calibrated monitor with an accurate ICC monitor profile is a necessary, but not s...
Development of colour management systems, the level ofstandardisation, as well as the embedding of f...
The widespread use of Cathode Ray Tubes (CTRs) as soft-copy proofing devices in electronic imaging s...
One of latest developments for pre-press applications is the concept of soft proofing, which aims to...
Having a calibrated monitor with an accurate ICC monitor profile is a necessary, but not sufficient ...
A display tool has been developed to perform simulation and three-dimensional rendering of prints in...
the certified proof, ICC profile, ink limit, colour space, colour deviation, gamut, tone value incr...
Bakalářská práce zkoumá použití barev ve filmovém průmyslu a možnosti barevných úprav v postprodukci...
V diplomskem delu raziskujemo barvno vtzrajnost za digitalne slike. V uvodu predstavimo problem osv...
Práca stručne pojednáva o problematike farebného vnemu a javoch s ním spojených. Ďalej popisuje fare...
The color proof has become one of the most important tools for quality control in the printing indus...
The first part of this study is devoted to assessing the suitability of soft proofs as a surrogate f...
The perceptibility and acceptability of colour differences in soft proofing were evaluated in psycho...
Soft proofing is a solution for print buyers and printers who want to decrease production cost and c...
The purpose of this article was to assess the suitability of softproofs as a surrogate for the final...
Abstract: Having a calibrated monitor with an accurate ICC monitor profile is a necessary, but not s...
Development of colour management systems, the level ofstandardisation, as well as the embedding of f...
The widespread use of Cathode Ray Tubes (CTRs) as soft-copy proofing devices in electronic imaging s...
One of latest developments for pre-press applications is the concept of soft proofing, which aims to...
Having a calibrated monitor with an accurate ICC monitor profile is a necessary, but not sufficient ...
A display tool has been developed to perform simulation and three-dimensional rendering of prints in...
the certified proof, ICC profile, ink limit, colour space, colour deviation, gamut, tone value incr...
Bakalářská práce zkoumá použití barev ve filmovém průmyslu a možnosti barevných úprav v postprodukci...
V diplomskem delu raziskujemo barvno vtzrajnost za digitalne slike. V uvodu predstavimo problem osv...
Práca stručne pojednáva o problematike farebného vnemu a javoch s ním spojených. Ďalej popisuje fare...