Krüptograafiliste protokollide turvalisuse testimiseks on loodud erinevad analüsaatorid. Osa neist põhineb predikaatloogika valemitel. Formaalses mudelis pole aga mugav realiseerida aritmeetilisi funktsioone. On kerge arvutada g^a, kui on teada nii g kui a väärtused, kuid protokollides on muutujad üldjuhul väärtustamata. Algebraliste struktuuride omadusi on vaja kirjeldada loogika valemite abil. Mõnede sellist liiki probleemidega on juba tegeldud. Näiteks on realiseeritud Diffie-Hellmani astendamine Horni valemitel põhineva analüsaatoriga ProVerif. Kahjuks see töötab vaid erinevate astendajate lõpliku arvu korral. Peale astendamist pakuvad aga krüptograafia valdkonnale huvi ka muud algebralised struktuurid, nende hulgas ka bilineaarsed kuju...
In this paper, we develop a novel idea of multilinear cryptosystem using nilpotent group identities
Les cryptosystèmes dits à clé publique sont construits à l'aide de fonctions à sens unique qui assur...
Program Obfuscation is the art of making computer programs ``unintelligible" while preserving its f...
This report contains an overview of two related areas of research in cryptography which have been p...
Bilinear maps have become an important new item in the cryptographer’s toolkit. They first came to p...
It was recently discovered by Joux [30] and Sakai, Ohgishi and Kasahara [47] that bilinear maps coul...
The construction of cryptographic multilinear maps and a general-purpose code obfuscator were two lo...
Töös antakse ülevaade atribuudipõhisest krüpteerimisest. Tutvustatakse Garg et al artiklis "Attribut...
Bu çalışmada, şifreleme biliminin ilk ortaya çıkışından günümüze kadar ki gelişimi hakkında bilgi sa...
With the increasing uses of internet technologies in daily life, vulnerability of personal data/info...
Nowadays, the design of new cryptographic schemes follows the modern methodology of provable securi...
Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 20...
Günümüzde, ülkeler arasında, teknoloji ve güvenli bir hayatın sağlanması açısından rekabetin artması...
Many cryptanalytic techniques are based on exploiting linearity properties of cryptosystems. One of ...
International audienceCryptographic protocols are successfully analyzed using formal methods. Howeve...
In this paper, we develop a novel idea of multilinear cryptosystem using nilpotent group identities
Les cryptosystèmes dits à clé publique sont construits à l'aide de fonctions à sens unique qui assur...
Program Obfuscation is the art of making computer programs ``unintelligible" while preserving its f...
This report contains an overview of two related areas of research in cryptography which have been p...
Bilinear maps have become an important new item in the cryptographer’s toolkit. They first came to p...
It was recently discovered by Joux [30] and Sakai, Ohgishi and Kasahara [47] that bilinear maps coul...
The construction of cryptographic multilinear maps and a general-purpose code obfuscator were two lo...
Töös antakse ülevaade atribuudipõhisest krüpteerimisest. Tutvustatakse Garg et al artiklis "Attribut...
Bu çalışmada, şifreleme biliminin ilk ortaya çıkışından günümüze kadar ki gelişimi hakkında bilgi sa...
With the increasing uses of internet technologies in daily life, vulnerability of personal data/info...
Nowadays, the design of new cryptographic schemes follows the modern methodology of provable securi...
Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 20...
Günümüzde, ülkeler arasında, teknoloji ve güvenli bir hayatın sağlanması açısından rekabetin artması...
Many cryptanalytic techniques are based on exploiting linearity properties of cryptosystems. One of ...
International audienceCryptographic protocols are successfully analyzed using formal methods. Howeve...
In this paper, we develop a novel idea of multilinear cryptosystem using nilpotent group identities
Les cryptosystèmes dits à clé publique sont construits à l'aide de fonctions à sens unique qui assur...
Program Obfuscation is the art of making computer programs ``unintelligible" while preserving its f...