Oral processing of crackers: changes in the secondary textural characteristics

  • Rosenthal, Andrew J.
  • Pang, Alexander
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Publication date
August 2018
Ocimum Scientific Publishers


To investigate the secondary textural properties associated with the later stages of oral processing, Melba toast and cream crackers were milled to minimize sensations associated with the first bite. Assessors used the Temporal Dominance of Sensations technique to document their experience of eating these biscuit crumbs. Two sensations, " sticks to palate " and " compacted on teeth " , dominated the significant sensations during oral processing. Similarities between these biscuit crumbs and the behaviour of other low water, low fat foods during oral processing exists. This behaviour is inconsistent with the Hutchings and Lillford breakdown path, but shows similarities to what takes place in a domestic food processor when liquid is added to ...

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