Aroma encapsulation and aroma delivery by oil body suspensions derived from sunflower seeds (Helianthus annus)

  • Fisk, Ian D.
  • Linforth, Rob S.T.
  • Taylor, Andrew J.
  • Gray, David A.
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Publication date
March 2011
Springer Verlag


Oil bodies are small discrete cell organellesthat can be found within oilseeds. Oil bodies have beeninvestigated previously as a potential technology platformfor use within the food industry, offering stable, antioxidant-enriched lipid-delivery systems. In this study, the use of oil bodies as a flavour delivery agent is evaluated. Fresh aromatized oil bodies show comparable headspace flavour intensity to phospholipid-stabilized emulsions when in a static equilibrium state, and when evaluated by dynamic headspace dilution, aromatized oil bodies showed a significantly stronger potential to maintain their headspace volatile concentration, which may indicate that oil bodies would offer greater retronasal flavour delivery than current commercia...

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