Starenje je normalan, fiziološki proces koji obuhvata sve organe i organske sisteme i tokom koga se organizam suočava sa nizom strukturnih i funkcionalnih promena. Starenje mozga je izrazito kompleksan proces, predstavljen nizom sukcesivnih događaja koji postepeno rezultiraju gubitkom kognitivnih i motornih funkcija. Postoji niz farmakoloških i sredinskih faktora koji su u stanju da odlože i/ili uspore mnoge od starosno-zavisnih procesa, a dijetalna restrikcija (DR) je jedna od najviše i najduže istraživanih. Mnogobrojni su eksperimentalni i epidemiološki podaci koji govore u prilog korisnih efekata restriktivnog režima ishrane, bez obzira da li se radi o svakodnevnoj, ili intermitentnoj dijeti, smanjenju količine hrane ili kalorija. Međuti...
Brain aging is related to the numerous structural and functional changes including decreased synapti...
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of aging and long-term dietary restriction...
Dietary restriction (DR) is one of the promising environmental interventions known to attenuate agin...
Dugotrajna restrikcija hrane produžava životni vek i odlaže pojavu mnogih bolesti koje se javljaju s...
Vršena su istraživanja insulinu sličnog faktora rasta (IGF-I) na mišićno i koštano tkivo, ali je pos...
Albeit aging is an inevitable process, the rate of aging is susceptible to modifications. Dietary re...
Résumé : Les personnes atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer présentent une diminution de la capture c...
Dietary restriction (DR) exerts significant beneficial effects in terms of aging and age-related ...
Aging is a complex set of events that involves the whole body. However, disruption of the central ne...
La restricción calórica (RC), definida como la reducción en la ingesta calórica sin causar desnutric...
Opóźnienie występowania zmian związanych ze starzeniem pod wpływem restrykcji kalorycznej jest od wi...
Starenje je univerzalan proces kojega karakteriziraju promjene na molekulskoj razini kao posljedica ...
Background: A major problem of aging is the disruption of metabolic homeostasis. This is particularl...
Dietary restriction (DR) is an important experimental paradigm for lifespan and healthspan extension...
Caloric restriction (CR) can attenuate the general loss of health observed during aging, being one o...
Brain aging is related to the numerous structural and functional changes including decreased synapti...
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of aging and long-term dietary restriction...
Dietary restriction (DR) is one of the promising environmental interventions known to attenuate agin...
Dugotrajna restrikcija hrane produžava životni vek i odlaže pojavu mnogih bolesti koje se javljaju s...
Vršena su istraživanja insulinu sličnog faktora rasta (IGF-I) na mišićno i koštano tkivo, ali je pos...
Albeit aging is an inevitable process, the rate of aging is susceptible to modifications. Dietary re...
Résumé : Les personnes atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer présentent une diminution de la capture c...
Dietary restriction (DR) exerts significant beneficial effects in terms of aging and age-related ...
Aging is a complex set of events that involves the whole body. However, disruption of the central ne...
La restricción calórica (RC), definida como la reducción en la ingesta calórica sin causar desnutric...
Opóźnienie występowania zmian związanych ze starzeniem pod wpływem restrykcji kalorycznej jest od wi...
Starenje je univerzalan proces kojega karakteriziraju promjene na molekulskoj razini kao posljedica ...
Background: A major problem of aging is the disruption of metabolic homeostasis. This is particularl...
Dietary restriction (DR) is an important experimental paradigm for lifespan and healthspan extension...
Caloric restriction (CR) can attenuate the general loss of health observed during aging, being one o...
Brain aging is related to the numerous structural and functional changes including decreased synapti...
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of aging and long-term dietary restriction...
Dietary restriction (DR) is one of the promising environmental interventions known to attenuate agin...