Upotreba zašećerenih napitaka bogatih fruktozom predstavlja jedan od glavnih uzročnika povećanja prevalence gojaznosti i pridruženih metaboličkih poremećaja. Pokazano je da je fruktoza uključena u razvoj i progresiju metaboličkog sindroma putem poremećaja regulacije metaboličkih puteva u hipotalamusu i masnom tkivu, kao glavnim organima zaduženim za kontrolu unosa hrane i energetskog metabolizma. Takođe, poznato je da je ishrana bogata fruktozom povezana sa stanjem leptinske rezistencije u hipotalamusu. Postoje i dokazi da pojačana regeneracija glukokortikoida, posredovana enzimom 11β hidroksisteroid dehidrogenazom tipa 1 (11βHSD1), može doprineti razvoju adipoznosti i metaboličkih poremećaja. Glukokortikoidni hormoni su uključeni u regulac...
We studied the effect of feeding normal adult male rats with a commercial diet (CD) supplemented wit...
High fructose consumption is commonly associated with insulin resistance, disturbed glucose homeosta...
We have currently studied the changes induced by administration of a fructose-rich diet (FRD) to nor...
Jedan od najznaĉajnijih uzroka razvoja metaboliĉkog sindroma je moderan naĉin ishrane bogate fruktoz...
Summary. Excessive fructose intake promotes the development of metabolic syndrome through the deregu...
Excessive fructose intake coincides with the growing rate of obesity and metabolic syndrome, with...
The modern Western society lifestyle is characterized by a hyperenergetic, high sugar containing foo...
Modern way of living includes unpredictable stressful daily events and consumption of caloric fructo...
The modern Western society lifestyle is characterized by a hyperenergetic, high sugar containing foo...
The global epidemic of metabolic syndrome (MS) correlates with changes in the environment, feeding, ...
Overconsumption of fructose, as a highly lipogenic sugar, may profoundly affect hepatic metabolism a...
Fructose is an important nutritive component of foods such as honey and fruit, but this easily avail...
High fructose consumption provokes metabolic perturbations that result in chronic low-grade infla...
Nakupljanje čimbenika rizika – visceralne pretilosti, arterijske hipertenzije, dijabetesa, dislipide...
Ishrana bogata fruktozom predstavlja bitan faktor u razvoju metaboličkog sindroma koji je povezan sa...
We studied the effect of feeding normal adult male rats with a commercial diet (CD) supplemented wit...
High fructose consumption is commonly associated with insulin resistance, disturbed glucose homeosta...
We have currently studied the changes induced by administration of a fructose-rich diet (FRD) to nor...
Jedan od najznaĉajnijih uzroka razvoja metaboliĉkog sindroma je moderan naĉin ishrane bogate fruktoz...
Summary. Excessive fructose intake promotes the development of metabolic syndrome through the deregu...
Excessive fructose intake coincides with the growing rate of obesity and metabolic syndrome, with...
The modern Western society lifestyle is characterized by a hyperenergetic, high sugar containing foo...
Modern way of living includes unpredictable stressful daily events and consumption of caloric fructo...
The modern Western society lifestyle is characterized by a hyperenergetic, high sugar containing foo...
The global epidemic of metabolic syndrome (MS) correlates with changes in the environment, feeding, ...
Overconsumption of fructose, as a highly lipogenic sugar, may profoundly affect hepatic metabolism a...
Fructose is an important nutritive component of foods such as honey and fruit, but this easily avail...
High fructose consumption provokes metabolic perturbations that result in chronic low-grade infla...
Nakupljanje čimbenika rizika – visceralne pretilosti, arterijske hipertenzije, dijabetesa, dislipide...
Ishrana bogata fruktozom predstavlja bitan faktor u razvoju metaboličkog sindroma koji je povezan sa...
We studied the effect of feeding normal adult male rats with a commercial diet (CD) supplemented wit...
High fructose consumption is commonly associated with insulin resistance, disturbed glucose homeosta...
We have currently studied the changes induced by administration of a fructose-rich diet (FRD) to nor...