Alumni Notes -- University broadcasts via KFAR -- Officers of Company A announced -- Harvest of fossils to be shipped -- 31 keeping looms busy -- Enrolment approaches 1940 high -- L. Giddings now member of faculty -- Winners in H.S. contest announced -- Eskimo life described -- Lectures offered on arctic -- Dr. J.C. Ryan is visitor on campus -- Coach Gerlach's past revealed -- A Stroll to Portage Bay: in which Two Engineers Make an Informal Inspection / Campbell, T.H. and L.E. Hough -- Readings at Random / Meals, Frances L. -- Traversing the Heart of Africa / Fox, Ernest F. -- Mining Society is sponsor of first formal U. dance -- Hess Hall Highlights -- Miners initiate new men -- University team is defeated over Spelling Bee Hour -- U. orch...