Lieut. Sanborn Listed Missing -- Alumni Notes -- Mine Classes Exceed Plans : Enrollment Heavy in South, Nome Put on Schedule -- Alcan Road Seen Entry for Miners -- Capt. Erickson Now at Stanford -- Regents Adopt Budget Funds for Buildings : Southern Branch University at Ketchikan Considered -- Thanksgiving Dance Slated -- Director Oldroyd Goes to States for Conferences -- Saunders Working at Buffalo Mine -- Norman Hartung Awarded Medal -- Magnusson Weds in Colorado -- Outlook for 1945-1947 -- "Empire of the North" -- Wm. Coghill Writes from West Point -- More About Ex-Serivce [sic] Education -- Patrick O'Neill Weds in Texas -- Drayton Writes from Pacific Area -- Files of 1914 Describe Support of Rail Project from Haines to Fairbanks -- Bill...