Appropriation Cut of 25 Per Cent [sic] Recalled -- Spring Enrollment of Home Ec Short Course Totals 32 -- C. E. Society Has Initiation, Dinner for New Members -- Clever Comedy Will be Given by Collegians -- Juniors Set Prom Date for April 14 : Officers Elected -- Otto Wm. Geist Spending Rest of Winter in States -- Grad Class Puts Chuck Herbert in President's Chair -- Mrs. Fohn-Hansen Supervises Sewing Class in Fairbanks -- Famous Historical Photograph Comes to College as Gift -- Practical Survey Trip to Nuka Bay Made by Student -- Something Should be Done -- Ten Dramatize 1-Act Play During College Assembly -- Just This Week -- A Reunion -- Trucks -- Ether Mottled in 2nd "College Hour" Broadcast, Feb. 3 -- Collegians Taken by Elks, 2-1 Score...