Permafrost would like to thank the Alaska State Council on the Arts, the University of Alaska Fairbanks and the Associated Students of the University of Alaska Fairbanks (ASUAF) for their funding and support.[Poetry] -- Pound, Out of Time / Shane Seely -- How We Carry the World / William Snyder, Jr. -- Animals / Joan I. Siegel -- Japanese Gardening / Mary Arete Moodey -- Vilkas / Vidas Gvozdzius -- insecticide / Corinne Flowers -- Leaving the House for an Armload of Firewood, During a Blizzard / Robert Wrigley -- First Boat / Laverne Frith -- Elk Dreams / Robert Wrigley -- Desire and Arrest / Francesca Abbate -- lowered chevys / Danny Romero -- winner, 2002 Farthest North Haiku Contest: Cecilia Pinto -- haiku by Ryan McGinnis, Minh Lien Ngu...