This double issue of Permafrost was funded in part by a grant from the Alaska State Council on the Arts.[Prose] -- Story: Confessions and Cuban Missiles / Karen Minton -- Story: Lions at the Gate / Danielle D'Ottavio Harned -- Woodcut Portrait / Lyric Ozburn -- [Special Section] -- In Memoriam: Gerald Cable, Poems from On the Road to Cantwell -- The Given-Way -- Fish -- Corona Box & Lumber -- Mr. Pete Totten -- The Illumination of George Jr. -- Bear -- Ancient Forests of the Near East -- Yggdrasill -- The New Old Nenana Highway -- Counterweight -- Proving Grounds -- Pine Grove Elementary -- Thin Clouds -- Under the House -- Northslope [Prose] -- Essay: On the Road to Zemio / Patrice Melnick -- Story: The Quiet Side of the River / Majorie Co...