This essay examines in the long period the development of the anti-Slavic discourse in the border area of the Upper Adriatic. Through the analysis of the satirical periodicals in Italian language, from the early Twentieth century and until after the Second World War, in order to discover the main themes, stereotypes and metaphors used against the Slovenes, especially in Trieste
Il saggio fornisce un ampio regesto dei passi dell'opera di Giani Stuparich, scrittore triestino, de...
Politics of Memory in Slovenia and in the Northern Adriatic between national practices and internati...
Slovensko ozemlje so si med letoma 1941 in 1945 razdelili nemški, italijanski in madžarski okupatorj...
Using the methodology of frontier imagology that presents itself as the most appropriate tool for cr...
This article brings to light the socio-political conditions in the Triestine region, at the end of t...
The aim of this article is to investigate how Italy and Italians were depicted in post WWII Yugoslav...
The irredentist vocation in Trieste has been well represented since 1911 in the articles of the sati...
After World War II, Trieste became an important point of passage for thousands of refugees who were ...
The article deals with Trieste as centre of the troubled eastern Italian border. Ivan Verč claims th...
Ruggero Fauro Timeus (Trieste, 1892 – Monte Pal Piccolo, 1915) es uno de los más claros exponentes d...
The dawn of the Sokol gymnastic associations in Trieste and its surroundings (1869-1870) Despite...
Conference paper read at the international conference Cultures of Memory Memories of Culture, Cyprus...
The Italian Istrianist discourse on the Mediterranean is discussed in the text. It has been develope...
Nakon sto je ukratko ocrtao Besenghijev zivot, autor istrazuje njegove spise koji se odnose na trséa...
Ruggero Fauro Timeus (Trieste, 1892 – Monte Pal Piccolo, 1915) es uno de los más claros exponentes d...
Il saggio fornisce un ampio regesto dei passi dell'opera di Giani Stuparich, scrittore triestino, de...
Politics of Memory in Slovenia and in the Northern Adriatic between national practices and internati...
Slovensko ozemlje so si med letoma 1941 in 1945 razdelili nemški, italijanski in madžarski okupatorj...
Using the methodology of frontier imagology that presents itself as the most appropriate tool for cr...
This article brings to light the socio-political conditions in the Triestine region, at the end of t...
The aim of this article is to investigate how Italy and Italians were depicted in post WWII Yugoslav...
The irredentist vocation in Trieste has been well represented since 1911 in the articles of the sati...
After World War II, Trieste became an important point of passage for thousands of refugees who were ...
The article deals with Trieste as centre of the troubled eastern Italian border. Ivan Verč claims th...
Ruggero Fauro Timeus (Trieste, 1892 – Monte Pal Piccolo, 1915) es uno de los más claros exponentes d...
The dawn of the Sokol gymnastic associations in Trieste and its surroundings (1869-1870) Despite...
Conference paper read at the international conference Cultures of Memory Memories of Culture, Cyprus...
The Italian Istrianist discourse on the Mediterranean is discussed in the text. It has been develope...
Nakon sto je ukratko ocrtao Besenghijev zivot, autor istrazuje njegove spise koji se odnose na trséa...
Ruggero Fauro Timeus (Trieste, 1892 – Monte Pal Piccolo, 1915) es uno de los más claros exponentes d...
Il saggio fornisce un ampio regesto dei passi dell'opera di Giani Stuparich, scrittore triestino, de...
Politics of Memory in Slovenia and in the Northern Adriatic between national practices and internati...
Slovensko ozemlje so si med letoma 1941 in 1945 razdelili nemški, italijanski in madžarski okupatorj...