Sous des conditions climatiques tropicales, la croissance vigoureuse des agrumes peut rapidement devenir un handicap pour la gestion des vergers industriels. L'utilisation de Poncirus trifoliata var. monstrosa (T. Ito) Swing. a.k.a. "Flying Dragon", permet le développement d'arbres "compacts" ainsi qu'une plus forte production de fruits par unité de surface, un entretien plus efficace des arbres, un meilleur rendement par ouvrier et une production de fruits plus précoces. Sous le climat et le sol de Martinique, avec ce type de porte-greffe, il est possible de mettre en place des vergers de haute densité (800 à 1200 arbres par hectare) avec une fructification précoc
The search for alternative rootstocks to the ?Rangpur? lime tree is a challenge to the sustainabilit...
An increasing number of intensive, dense, and sustainable citrus plantations have fostered a growin...
Since the mid-1990's, Martinique's Phytosanitary status was modified, as in most other territories o...
La forte vigueur des agrumes observée sous climat tropical humide constitue le principal facteur lim...
Citrus fruit trees grown under tropical climatic conditions have a high level of vigor and, conseque...
There is a worldwide trend regarding high density of fruit planting. In the last four decades, the B...
Introduction. Les agrumes cultivés sous climat tropical présentent une vigueur importante et, par co...
State, Brazil, in sub-tropical climatic conditions, have a high level of vigor, poor tolerance to Ph...
Dwarfing is an important agricultural trait for intensive cultivation and effective orchard manageme...
The Brazilian citrus industry is requiring the use of rootstocks adapted for use in high planting de...
Despite its outstanding position, the Brazilian citriculture is established on a very limited pool o...
Introduction. Tahiti lime trees grafted on Rangpur lime grown in São Paulo State, Brazil, in sub-tr...
Dwarfism in fruits crops: A way to produce new canopy architectureDwarfing is an alteration in the n...
The majority of citrus trees in Brazil are grafted on 'Rangpur lime' (Citrus limonia Osb.) rootstock...
Avaliou-se o desenvolvimento vegetativo inicial de porta-enxertos cítricos cultivados em casa de veg...
The search for alternative rootstocks to the ?Rangpur? lime tree is a challenge to the sustainabilit...
An increasing number of intensive, dense, and sustainable citrus plantations have fostered a growin...
Since the mid-1990's, Martinique's Phytosanitary status was modified, as in most other territories o...
La forte vigueur des agrumes observée sous climat tropical humide constitue le principal facteur lim...
Citrus fruit trees grown under tropical climatic conditions have a high level of vigor and, conseque...
There is a worldwide trend regarding high density of fruit planting. In the last four decades, the B...
Introduction. Les agrumes cultivés sous climat tropical présentent une vigueur importante et, par co...
State, Brazil, in sub-tropical climatic conditions, have a high level of vigor, poor tolerance to Ph...
Dwarfing is an important agricultural trait for intensive cultivation and effective orchard manageme...
The Brazilian citrus industry is requiring the use of rootstocks adapted for use in high planting de...
Despite its outstanding position, the Brazilian citriculture is established on a very limited pool o...
Introduction. Tahiti lime trees grafted on Rangpur lime grown in São Paulo State, Brazil, in sub-tr...
Dwarfism in fruits crops: A way to produce new canopy architectureDwarfing is an alteration in the n...
The majority of citrus trees in Brazil are grafted on 'Rangpur lime' (Citrus limonia Osb.) rootstock...
Avaliou-se o desenvolvimento vegetativo inicial de porta-enxertos cítricos cultivados em casa de veg...
The search for alternative rootstocks to the ?Rangpur? lime tree is a challenge to the sustainabilit...
An increasing number of intensive, dense, and sustainable citrus plantations have fostered a growin...
Since the mid-1990's, Martinique's Phytosanitary status was modified, as in most other territories o...