Dottorato di Ricerca in Biologia Vegetale, Ciclo XXVI SSD, a.a.2013Le fanerogame marine, nel nostro studio limitate alle seagrasses, si sono adattate per occupare vaste estensioni dei fondi litorali e hanno dovuto sviluppare diversi adattamenti per poter vivere completamente sommerse. Le seagrasses non possono crescere in profondità dove non arriva almeno il 10% della luce in superficie, per questo si situano sempre sul piano infralitorale. In acque molto chiare, possono essere presenti fino a 70 m di profondità, però in mari con acque più torbide non superano i 15-20 m. Per tutte queste ragioni, queste formazioni vegetali sommerse rivestono un importante ruolo nella biologia e nella dinamica costiera. Posidonia oceanica è una specie esclus...
The distribution and abundance of macroalgae are determined by the resources they demand (e.g. light...
The authors present an investigation of the ecology and the phytoplankton of Stani Saliu, located in...
In the last century, seagrass ecosystems have suffered a worldwide decline ascribed to multiple envi...
Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile is an endemic seagrass of the Mediterranean Sea, which plays an impor...
Il funzionamento degli ecosistemi è definito dall’equilibrio tra i processi di produzione, accumulo ...
A complete understanding of the mechanistic basis of marine ecosystem functioning is only possible t...
A complete understanding of the mechanistic basis of marine ecosystem functioning is only possible ...
Posidonia oceanica meadows are among the most valuable coastal systems in the Mediterranean basin. T...
Coastal marine ecosystems are among the most productive in the world, providing valuable goods and s...
[cat] La Posidonia oceanica és una espècie molt rellevant en els ecosistemes marins, ja que és esse...
Seagrass Cymodocea nodosa was sampled off the Vulcano island, in the vicinity of a submarine volcani...
This thesis explores the complexity of seagrass stress response in the face of current environmental...
ItLa dinamica di popolazione di tre praterie di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in mar Ligure (Medite...
The increasing rate of human-induced environmental changes on coastal marine ecosystems has created ...
L’alga dinoflagellata Symbiodinium spp. è il simbionte di Balanophyllia europaea. Lo scopo di questo...
The distribution and abundance of macroalgae are determined by the resources they demand (e.g. light...
The authors present an investigation of the ecology and the phytoplankton of Stani Saliu, located in...
In the last century, seagrass ecosystems have suffered a worldwide decline ascribed to multiple envi...
Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile is an endemic seagrass of the Mediterranean Sea, which plays an impor...
Il funzionamento degli ecosistemi è definito dall’equilibrio tra i processi di produzione, accumulo ...
A complete understanding of the mechanistic basis of marine ecosystem functioning is only possible t...
A complete understanding of the mechanistic basis of marine ecosystem functioning is only possible ...
Posidonia oceanica meadows are among the most valuable coastal systems in the Mediterranean basin. T...
Coastal marine ecosystems are among the most productive in the world, providing valuable goods and s...
[cat] La Posidonia oceanica és una espècie molt rellevant en els ecosistemes marins, ja que és esse...
Seagrass Cymodocea nodosa was sampled off the Vulcano island, in the vicinity of a submarine volcani...
This thesis explores the complexity of seagrass stress response in the face of current environmental...
ItLa dinamica di popolazione di tre praterie di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in mar Ligure (Medite...
The increasing rate of human-induced environmental changes on coastal marine ecosystems has created ...
L’alga dinoflagellata Symbiodinium spp. è il simbionte di Balanophyllia europaea. Lo scopo di questo...
The distribution and abundance of macroalgae are determined by the resources they demand (e.g. light...
The authors present an investigation of the ecology and the phytoplankton of Stani Saliu, located in...
In the last century, seagrass ecosystems have suffered a worldwide decline ascribed to multiple envi...