Obstaja veliko dejavnikov, ki pojasnjujejo, kako se je organizacija Sinn Fein v obdobju 1981-2017 preoblikovala iz manjšega političnega krila paravojaške organizacije v uspešno politično stranko. Eden od njih je bil vedno večji interes stranke za sodelovanje v volilni politiki in odpovedovanje nasilnim metodam za dosego njenih ciljev. Ta proces se je začel med gladovno stavko irskih republikanskih zapornikov, ko so potekale tudi nadomestne volitve na katerih je zmagal Bobby Sands, vodja zapornikov, ki so gladovno stavkali. Publiciteta, ki je spremljala gladovno stavko, tej je sledila zmaga na nadomestnih volitvah, skupaj s smrtjo Bobbyja Sandsa in devetih njegovih tovarišev, je Sinn Fein in Irsko republikansko gibanje preusmerila k uporabi ...
The thesis is focused on the process of demise and disintegration of nationalist terrorist groups. T...
Irska povijest gotovo je posve vezana uz povijest Engleske, odnosno Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Upravo ...
Irský stranický systém je v současné komparativní politologii často považován za případ sui generis....
This bachelor thesis examines the political marketing of Northern Ireland political party Sinn Féin ...
Předmětem bakalářské práce je analýza vzestupu Prozatímní irské republikánské armády (PIRA) během pr...
The Ulster Defence Association (UDA) is the largest loyalist paramilitary organization in Northern I...
By characterizing the relationship between political fronts and their terrorist organizations this a...
This thesis' topic is The Irish party system and its changes in the last 25 years with a focus on th...
This thesis examines the emergence of both the Irish Republican Socialist Party and Irish National L...
Konflikt pomiędzy katolikami oraz unionistami w Irlandii Północnej to jedno z najdłuższych i najbard...
This thesis endeavoured to accurately gauge the extent to which modern Sinn Fein continues to adhere...
Političke stranke, kao ključni akteri političkog procesa i kreatori politika, imaju značajan utjecaj...
This thesis examines the evolution in the political strategy of the Irish Republican Party, Sinn Féi...
Praca jest chronologicznym podsumowaniem wydarzeń jakie miały miejsce w Irlandii Północnej w latach ...
This paper examines the transition of Sinn Fein, once seen as an extremist front organization for th...
The thesis is focused on the process of demise and disintegration of nationalist terrorist groups. T...
Irska povijest gotovo je posve vezana uz povijest Engleske, odnosno Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Upravo ...
Irský stranický systém je v současné komparativní politologii často považován za případ sui generis....
This bachelor thesis examines the political marketing of Northern Ireland political party Sinn Féin ...
Předmětem bakalářské práce je analýza vzestupu Prozatímní irské republikánské armády (PIRA) během pr...
The Ulster Defence Association (UDA) is the largest loyalist paramilitary organization in Northern I...
By characterizing the relationship between political fronts and their terrorist organizations this a...
This thesis' topic is The Irish party system and its changes in the last 25 years with a focus on th...
This thesis examines the emergence of both the Irish Republican Socialist Party and Irish National L...
Konflikt pomiędzy katolikami oraz unionistami w Irlandii Północnej to jedno z najdłuższych i najbard...
This thesis endeavoured to accurately gauge the extent to which modern Sinn Fein continues to adhere...
Političke stranke, kao ključni akteri političkog procesa i kreatori politika, imaju značajan utjecaj...
This thesis examines the evolution in the political strategy of the Irish Republican Party, Sinn Féi...
Praca jest chronologicznym podsumowaniem wydarzeń jakie miały miejsce w Irlandii Północnej w latach ...
This paper examines the transition of Sinn Fein, once seen as an extremist front organization for th...
The thesis is focused on the process of demise and disintegration of nationalist terrorist groups. T...
Irska povijest gotovo je posve vezana uz povijest Engleske, odnosno Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Upravo ...
Irský stranický systém je v současné komparativní politologii často považován za případ sui generis....