Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na epistemološko kritiko strukturnih omejitev znanosti skoncentrirano v primerjalni analizi dveh avtorjev – Tomasa Kuhna in Paula Feyerabenda. Prvo raziskovalno vprašanje se nanaša neposredno na obravnavani deli: v kakšnem odnosu je Feyerabendov epistemološki anarhizem do Kuhnove teorije znanstvenih revolucij? V ta namen v prvem delu predstavim glavne pojme teorij, ki jih v analitičnem delu nato primerjam. V diplomskem delu ugotavljam, da kljub podobnim izhodiščem kot so holistična perspektiva znanosti, poudarjanje relativnost znanstvenega izkustva, pomembnost kršenja znanstvenih pravil, inkomenzurabilnosti in kumulativne narave znanstvenega razvoja, Feyerabendov epistemološki anarhizem radikalizira Kunovo teori...
This paper examjnes Feyerabend’s idea of Methodological Anarchism. Specifically, it looks at its cha...
It is very well known that from the late-1960s onwards Feyerabend began to radically challenge some ...
Esta dissertação apresenta um panorama da epistemologia contemporânea e mostra as idéias do filósof...
Paul K. Feyerabend slovi kao jedan od najkontroverznijih suvremenih filozofa, teoretičara znanosti č...
Austrijski filozof Paul Karl Feyerabend (1924 – 1994) svojim je radom na području filozofije znanost...
Struktura znanstvenih revolucija je djelo Thomasa Kuhna u kojemu izlaže koncept znanstvenih revoluci...
Thomas Kuhn's thinking in this case is used as an analytical knife to see the revolution in science ...
Feyerabend, since his thesis on "Epistemological Anarchism", which he qualifies as "an excellent...
Feyerabend generally is known most for his discovery on the helpfulness of breaking rules when they ...
Relativism in the philosophy of science is widely associated with the work of Thomas Kuhn and Paul F...
The thoughts of the philosopher Paul Karl Feyerabend brought important contributions to the debate o...
W artykule przedstawiono obraz społecznego, kulturowego i historycznego funkcjonowania różnych form ...
O cen??rio geral da filosofia da ci??ncia no s??culo XX foi principalmente desenhado pelos tra??os e...
anemonThomas Kuhn, as a philosopher and a science historian, has made a revolutionary touch in the h...
anemonKnowledge sociology which focuses on the relationship between knowledge and social structure, ...
This paper examjnes Feyerabend’s idea of Methodological Anarchism. Specifically, it looks at its cha...
It is very well known that from the late-1960s onwards Feyerabend began to radically challenge some ...
Esta dissertação apresenta um panorama da epistemologia contemporânea e mostra as idéias do filósof...
Paul K. Feyerabend slovi kao jedan od najkontroverznijih suvremenih filozofa, teoretičara znanosti č...
Austrijski filozof Paul Karl Feyerabend (1924 – 1994) svojim je radom na području filozofije znanost...
Struktura znanstvenih revolucija je djelo Thomasa Kuhna u kojemu izlaže koncept znanstvenih revoluci...
Thomas Kuhn's thinking in this case is used as an analytical knife to see the revolution in science ...
Feyerabend, since his thesis on "Epistemological Anarchism", which he qualifies as "an excellent...
Feyerabend generally is known most for his discovery on the helpfulness of breaking rules when they ...
Relativism in the philosophy of science is widely associated with the work of Thomas Kuhn and Paul F...
The thoughts of the philosopher Paul Karl Feyerabend brought important contributions to the debate o...
W artykule przedstawiono obraz społecznego, kulturowego i historycznego funkcjonowania różnych form ...
O cen??rio geral da filosofia da ci??ncia no s??culo XX foi principalmente desenhado pelos tra??os e...
anemonThomas Kuhn, as a philosopher and a science historian, has made a revolutionary touch in the h...
anemonKnowledge sociology which focuses on the relationship between knowledge and social structure, ...
This paper examjnes Feyerabend’s idea of Methodological Anarchism. Specifically, it looks at its cha...
It is very well known that from the late-1960s onwards Feyerabend began to radically challenge some ...
Esta dissertação apresenta um panorama da epistemologia contemporânea e mostra as idéias do filósof...