Background: The stresses and life changes associated with migration may have harmful long-term health effects, especially for mental health. These effects are exceedingly difficult to establish, because migrants are typically a highly selected group. Methods: We examined the impact of migration on health using “naturally occurring” historical events. In this article, we use the forced migration of 11% of the Finnish population after WWII as such a natural experiment. We observed the date and cause of death starting from 1 January 1971 and ending in 31 December 2010 for the cohort of 242,075 people. Data were obtained by linking individual-level data from the 1950 and 1970 population censuses and the register of death certificates from 19...
Abstract Aims: To analyse the influence of migration status (country of birth/ethnicity), accultura-...
Aims: The general aim of this thesis was to describe and compare the group of foreign-born persons l...
Background Stressful life events associated with forced migration increase vulnerability for advers...
Studies on the health of migrants have increased considerably in number in recent years, but little ...
Studies on the health of migrants have increased considerably in number in recent years, but little ...
In this article, we analyze mortality rates of Finns born in areas that were ceded to the Soviet Uni...
AbstractStudies on the health of migrants have increased considerably in number in recent years, but...
BACKGROUND: Mental health consequences of migration are manifold. Where some migrants experience mig...
Background: Knowledge of mortality differentials in immigrant groups depending on their reason for m...
Background: Most first-generation migrants have lower mortality compared to the native population. F...
In light of possibilities and limitations of data from the Finnish population register, and the gene...
Background: Mortality in a population is regarded as an accurate and valid measure of the population...
Background In recent decades, millions of refugees and migrants have fled wars and sought asylum in ...
Kyobutungi C, Ronellenfitsch U, Razum O, Becher H. Mortality from external causes among ethnic Germa...
A limited number of studies have been found on stroke mortality in migrants showing higher mortality...
Abstract Aims: To analyse the influence of migration status (country of birth/ethnicity), accultura-...
Aims: The general aim of this thesis was to describe and compare the group of foreign-born persons l...
Background Stressful life events associated with forced migration increase vulnerability for advers...
Studies on the health of migrants have increased considerably in number in recent years, but little ...
Studies on the health of migrants have increased considerably in number in recent years, but little ...
In this article, we analyze mortality rates of Finns born in areas that were ceded to the Soviet Uni...
AbstractStudies on the health of migrants have increased considerably in number in recent years, but...
BACKGROUND: Mental health consequences of migration are manifold. Where some migrants experience mig...
Background: Knowledge of mortality differentials in immigrant groups depending on their reason for m...
Background: Most first-generation migrants have lower mortality compared to the native population. F...
In light of possibilities and limitations of data from the Finnish population register, and the gene...
Background: Mortality in a population is regarded as an accurate and valid measure of the population...
Background In recent decades, millions of refugees and migrants have fled wars and sought asylum in ...
Kyobutungi C, Ronellenfitsch U, Razum O, Becher H. Mortality from external causes among ethnic Germa...
A limited number of studies have been found on stroke mortality in migrants showing higher mortality...
Abstract Aims: To analyse the influence of migration status (country of birth/ethnicity), accultura-...
Aims: The general aim of this thesis was to describe and compare the group of foreign-born persons l...
Background Stressful life events associated with forced migration increase vulnerability for advers...