Experimentální regresní model spotřeby pitné vody v typické administrativní budově v České republice

  • Ručka, Jan
  • Holešovský, Jan
  • Sucháček, Tomáš
  • Tuhovčák, Ladislav
Publication date
April 2018


This article focuses on water consumption and its prediction, using regression models designed for an experiment regarding an administrative building in the Czech Republic. The variables considered are pressure and climatological factors (temperature and humidity). The effects of these variables on the consumption are separately evaluated, subsequently multidimensional models are discussed with the common inclusion of selected combinations of predictors. Separate evaluation results in a value of the N3 coefficient, according to the FAVAD concept used for prediction of changes in water consumption related to pressure.Tento článek se zaměřuje na spotřebu vody a její predikci, přičemž je použito regresních modelů navržených pro experiment prov...

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