L'estudi de diversos descriptors paleoambientals com ara el pol·len, les diatomees i la sedimentologia, realitzat en sediments procedents del llac de Sanabria (NO de la península Ibèrica), ha aportat informació sobre les oscil·lacions climàtiques atribuïdes als períodes càlids tardoromà i medieval, així com a la petita edat del gel. Entre els anys 440 i 950 dC, el clima es caracteritzà per temperatures suaus i un règim de precipitacions mediterrani, malgrat l¿existència de pulsacions més fredes vers els anys 530 i 700 dC. Les evidències pol·líniques dels usos del sòl indiquen l'extensió d¿activitats ramaderes i agrícoles. Aquesta fase correspon al final del període càlid romà i al període càlid medieval. El canvi de condicions climàtiques e...
The Mediterranean region is a climate hot spot, sensitive not only to global warming but also to wat...
We present the Holocene sequence from Lago Enol (43°16 ′ N, 4°59 ′ W, 1070 m a.s.l.), Cantabrian Mou...
Meteorological data, ice records and multiproxy analyses of sediment records from two Iberian alpin...
A multi-proxy study of short sediment cores recovered in small, karstic Lake Estanya (42º02’ N, 0º32...
A multi-proxy characterization of the uppermost sedimentary infill of an Iberian alpine lake (Cimera...
The climate variability of the Iberian Peninsula (IP) can be explained in terms of relatively few la...
A multi-proxy characterization of the uppermost sedimentary infill of an Iberian alpine lake (Cimera...
The multi-proxy study of sediment cores from Lake Isoba (43° 02′ N, 5° 18′ W; 1400 m a.s.l.) allows ...
A multi-proxy characterization of the uppermost sedimentary infill of an Iberian alpine lake (Cimera...
Sedimentological, mineralogical and compositional analyses performed on short gravity cores and long...
La laguna de La Parra (39o 50.948’, 1o 52’, 1014 m) es un lago pequeño relativamente profundo (Zmax ...
There are large gaps in our understanding of natural climate variability and how the water cycle and...
Past Global Changes. Open Science Meeting (5º. 2017. Zaragoza)High-resolution, multi-proxy lake r...
We present a palaeoclimatic reconstruction of the last glacial cycle in Iberia (ca. 120,000–11,600 c...
Abstract: Palaeolimiinological data (diatoms, ostracods, foraminifera, molluscs, aquatic pollen and ...
The Mediterranean region is a climate hot spot, sensitive not only to global warming but also to wat...
We present the Holocene sequence from Lago Enol (43°16 ′ N, 4°59 ′ W, 1070 m a.s.l.), Cantabrian Mou...
Meteorological data, ice records and multiproxy analyses of sediment records from two Iberian alpin...
A multi-proxy study of short sediment cores recovered in small, karstic Lake Estanya (42º02’ N, 0º32...
A multi-proxy characterization of the uppermost sedimentary infill of an Iberian alpine lake (Cimera...
The climate variability of the Iberian Peninsula (IP) can be explained in terms of relatively few la...
A multi-proxy characterization of the uppermost sedimentary infill of an Iberian alpine lake (Cimera...
The multi-proxy study of sediment cores from Lake Isoba (43° 02′ N, 5° 18′ W; 1400 m a.s.l.) allows ...
A multi-proxy characterization of the uppermost sedimentary infill of an Iberian alpine lake (Cimera...
Sedimentological, mineralogical and compositional analyses performed on short gravity cores and long...
La laguna de La Parra (39o 50.948’, 1o 52’, 1014 m) es un lago pequeño relativamente profundo (Zmax ...
There are large gaps in our understanding of natural climate variability and how the water cycle and...
Past Global Changes. Open Science Meeting (5º. 2017. Zaragoza)High-resolution, multi-proxy lake r...
We present a palaeoclimatic reconstruction of the last glacial cycle in Iberia (ca. 120,000–11,600 c...
Abstract: Palaeolimiinological data (diatoms, ostracods, foraminifera, molluscs, aquatic pollen and ...
The Mediterranean region is a climate hot spot, sensitive not only to global warming but also to wat...
We present the Holocene sequence from Lago Enol (43°16 ′ N, 4°59 ′ W, 1070 m a.s.l.), Cantabrian Mou...
Meteorological data, ice records and multiproxy analyses of sediment records from two Iberian alpin...