Analisa Kandungan Beta karoten pada Cabai Merah Menggunakan Evaporator Vakum Dengan Metode Response Surface Methodology Pada cabai merah terdapat beberapa vitamin salah satunya provitamin A atau β-K. Cabai merah di ekstraksi kemudian di evaporasi menggunakan evaporator vakum untuk mengurangi kadar air. Cabai merah hasil ekstraksi akan di evaporasi dengan variabel konsentrasi antar 20-40 g/l., suhu 40-60 °C, dann waktu 30-70 menit. Pada penelitian ini asam asksorbat di analisa menggunakan analisa spektofotometetri menggunakan metode Response Surface Methodology. Kata kunci : evaporasi, cabai merah, β-karoten ABSTRACT ANALYSIS OF β-CAROTENE IN RED CHILI USING VACUM EVAPORATIOR WITH RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY In...
Vacuum freeze drying is a drying method performed at low temperature, reducing product damage caused...
Red chili is an easily damaged agricultural product that needs to be processed, one of the processin...
Buah cabai merah (Capsicum annuum L.) merupakan komoditas hortikultura yang memiliki nilai ekonomis ...
Aplikasi Response Surface Methodology Pada Analisa Kandungan Asam Askorbat Hasil Ekstrak Cabai Mer...
Ascorbic acid is one of the nutrients that acts as an antioxidant to effectively overcome free radic...
Background: Organic fertilizers is able to maintain the balance of the land and improve land product...
The aims of the research were to determine the optimum condition of submerging time in 2% CaCl2 and...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of increasing Na2S2O5 towards vitamin C and ...
Tomat (Lycopersium esculentum Mill) termasuk sayuran yang banyak disukai karena rasanya enak dan ...
Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan skema proses evaporasi untuk analisa kadar vitamin C. Target...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh lama blansir dan suhu pengeringan terhadap kuali...
This study aims to (1) determine the concentration of leaf extract weeds siam against the brightness...
Latar belakang: Vitamin C atau asam askorbat merupakan salah satu vitamin yang diperlukan oleh tubuh...
Chili is one of the fruits that contain vitamin C in a very large number. Vitamin C is one of the vi...
This research was carried out in Yosomulyo village Metro Pusat Districk, Metro City. Objective of th...
Vacuum freeze drying is a drying method performed at low temperature, reducing product damage caused...
Red chili is an easily damaged agricultural product that needs to be processed, one of the processin...
Buah cabai merah (Capsicum annuum L.) merupakan komoditas hortikultura yang memiliki nilai ekonomis ...
Aplikasi Response Surface Methodology Pada Analisa Kandungan Asam Askorbat Hasil Ekstrak Cabai Mer...
Ascorbic acid is one of the nutrients that acts as an antioxidant to effectively overcome free radic...
Background: Organic fertilizers is able to maintain the balance of the land and improve land product...
The aims of the research were to determine the optimum condition of submerging time in 2% CaCl2 and...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of increasing Na2S2O5 towards vitamin C and ...
Tomat (Lycopersium esculentum Mill) termasuk sayuran yang banyak disukai karena rasanya enak dan ...
Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan skema proses evaporasi untuk analisa kadar vitamin C. Target...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh lama blansir dan suhu pengeringan terhadap kuali...
This study aims to (1) determine the concentration of leaf extract weeds siam against the brightness...
Latar belakang: Vitamin C atau asam askorbat merupakan salah satu vitamin yang diperlukan oleh tubuh...
Chili is one of the fruits that contain vitamin C in a very large number. Vitamin C is one of the vi...
This research was carried out in Yosomulyo village Metro Pusat Districk, Metro City. Objective of th...
Vacuum freeze drying is a drying method performed at low temperature, reducing product damage caused...
Red chili is an easily damaged agricultural product that needs to be processed, one of the processin...
Buah cabai merah (Capsicum annuum L.) merupakan komoditas hortikultura yang memiliki nilai ekonomis ...